Odysseus – Isse from the island Od in Denmark


Isse from the island Od in Denmark

Odysseus - Isse from the island Od

The Odyssey and the Iliad take place around 1230 BC around Seeland and the southern Baltic Sea.

Odysseus was born circa 1260 BC on the former island Od in North Zealand – from there comes his name Odisse – in Greek Od-ysseus.

The island Od is located at the northern part of Seeland in Denmark. A dam from Seeland connected the island Od with Seeland in 1875 and dries out Lamme fjord.

Odysseus lives opposite the islands Same and Samos – that is the two-piece island Samsø (Od. 4-844).

Mount Parnassos (Od. 19-411,431) is the cliff Fornæs on Djursland in Jutland.

Upon his return after the war, he goes ashore near the spring of Arethusa – Tuse River in Od county.

Zacynthos is the Hindsholm peninsula at Fyn (Funen).


The island Od and the two-piece Island Samsø – Same and Samos

The name Odysseus means Isse from Od. He was born about 1260 BC on the island Od, which is located at the North-West of Seeland in Denmark. Nowadays Od is connected with Seeland and they form a branched peninsula called Od County. The islands Od and Seeland have grown together by dams at the two fjords Sidinge Fjord and Lamme Fjord.

In the innermost part of Sidinge fjord between the towns Vig and Højby the Trundholm sun chariot (Danish: Solvognen, the Sun Waggon) is found in 1902.

A 1470 meter long flat dam over Sidinge fjord is broken by a storm on 2. January 1855. Then the dam is reinforced and the partly dry fjord is now completely drained dry.


The 2260 meter long dam over Lamme Fjord is built from the 3. April 1873 to 23. September 1874, but first in the period 1938-1945 the last 550 hectares (1200 acres) are drained. Prior to 1877 Od County was a secluded and isolated area. These two fjords and island Od now forms a common agricultural land.

The inner part of Lamme Fjord was more than 20 meters deep and has over the years been filled up with silt soil that is not sustainable for construction. Trucks passing on Skovlyvej through this part of Lamme Fjord always drive uphill, the fjord sinks that much when heavy loaded trucks drive there.

To the South about 500 meters from Vindekille (Vindekilde) is Draget, a former ferry berth for crossing over to Sealand. It is mentioned in the Odyssey (Od. 20-187) that freight people ferries people and cattle from the mainland Seland to the island Od and Itaka, as soon as anyone wants to.